Young Workers

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Visiting the Placement Provider

Quick summary sheet - 12 point checklist

  1. See how clean and tidy (obstruction free) the workplace is.
  2. Check out the fire precautions, extinguishers, signs, alarms, fire drills etc. This is essential.
  3. Assess the lighting. Is it bright, dull, just right etc.
  4. How are the electrics? Look out for loose or faulty wiring, cracked or broken sockets or plugs etc.
  5. Is any machinery in good working condition and properly guarded?
  6. Assess the noise levels from quiet to deafening.
  7. Is there a need for personal, protective equipment (ear protection, goggles, gloves, heavy boots etc.) and is it available in different sizes?
  8. How suitable is the seating at or near work stations?
  9. Check out toilets and washing facilities.
  10. Check out safety signs (fire signs, exit signs, other signs appropriate to the nature of the work etc.) and information posters including Health and safety law: What you should know.
  11. Find out what else will be done by this provider for your young people?
  12. Finally, how happy does the workforce seem? Will the young people for whom you are arranging work experience placements fit in with the regime and enjoy a positive experience in this particular workplace?

Did you spot any hazards and significant risks?
If so, record them in writing. If you make more than one visit, compare your findings.

Print a copy of the Checklist (Click here to download this document in PDF format. PDF 31kb)

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