Young Workers

Work Experience Organisers : Your Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to do the following?:

  1. Test your Work Experience knowledge and skills...You must provide and maintain plant (the workplace) and systems of work that are safe and do not pose risks to anyone's health.

  2. You must make sure that the use, handling, storage and transporting of articles (goods etc.) and substances is safe and without risks to anyone's health.

  3. You have to provide information, instruction, training and supervision on health and safety matters for all your employees.

  4. You have a duty to keep your workplace in a safe and healthy condition so that no employee or visitor to your place comes to any harm.

  5. You must carry out risk assessments (identify and control hazards) and record your findings.

  6. You must develop health and safety systems and procedures.

  7. You must consult and cooperate with your employees and any contractors who do work for you.

  8. You must comply with all relevant UK health and safety legislation.

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