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New course and qualification for young people; ACAS warns employers not to ignore rights of younger workers; Young people and farms: new guidance; HSE resources; Teens tell the world to SpeakUp |
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Schools may teach workplace safety; Young worker accident figures 'under-estimated'; DVD for young and inexperienced workers; 'First' for Yorkshire school |
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Children should learn to type at school to help stop RSI, says TUC; MPs call for action over young deaths at work; Minimum wage increases; Compulsory education or training until 18; Work experience dangers highlighted; Teens work late, long and in danger, study finds |
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New poll shows world of work failing young workers; Teens win chance to create TV ads; European Safe Start Summit concludes successful young worker health and safety campaign; Report on employment and training opportunities for low-skilled young people; Young people have their say - Staying on in education or training to 18; Death threats, bullying and verbal abuse: the lot of a student nurse; Key Skills qualifications mean training is meeting employers' needs |
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New RoSPA course: work placement assessment; College supports HSE's fight against dermatitis; Safety change urged after teen site death; Young worker desk health survey results; Safety initiative for schools
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Extra dates in Birmingham for Work Placement course; HSE updates young worker webpage; Northern TUC Youth Forum; Stressful jobs increase depression risk; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work publication; Summer jobs advice
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Increasing number of children injured at work; Vulnerable Worker Commission evidence wanted - 30th November deadline; TUC Youth winner 2007; Young managers feel holiday stress; Safety goes down the YouTube; Young people could lose out in Olympic construction, warns UCATT; Student assessed explosion factory's pipes; Employing young workers
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RoSPA work placement course, Edinburgh; Employment rights for young people; NIOSH youth safety curriculum; Driving lessons proposed for schools; Landmark judgement for 'too young' employee; Students' health and safety research award; Temporary Agency Workers' Bill dropped; Pete's course work scoops award; Injuries to youth on farms - statistics and guidelines; Face of the union on Facebook; European risk observatory young workers report
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EU Factsheet - Mainstreaming occupational safety and health into education; Focus on youth; Cancer resource on YouTube; Young workers told to 'speak out'; Healthy hands on National Hairdressers' Day; Families whose children were killed at work speak out; Young employees most vulnerable to stress
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Prize-winning pupils' OSH films available; University agrees £1.4m safety deal; Body artists safety blog; Work experience website coming soon; Launch of charity for young people's health; Government promises new child employment guidance; Work hangovers lead to accidents, study shows
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Trades alerted to asbestos risk; IOSH calls for apprentice H&S training; Report highlights young workers' health needs; RoSPA young driver safety video; Cool earplugs sought; Fears for young apprentices' safety
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Employers urged to give young people a safe start; New qualification to help students become safe learners; Risk assessment factsheets published; Driver testing and training overhaul; Ellesmere Port kids welcome health and safety message
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Apprenticeship awards 2008; Ladder exchange; MP campaigns for young worker safety; Young workers suffer the most injuries; Cheese company death |
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Health and safety qualification; Happy feet; Government focus on apprenticeships; Sound advice
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Minimum wage increase for apprentices; Farm worker dies after machine accident; Road safety campaign targets young drivers; Driving for work; Youth volunteering campaign launched; Government makes construction skills improvements
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Forcing young people to study or train does not work, says new report; Asbestos awareness; New academies launched; Government appoints youth panel; Child workers in Pakistan
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Unemployment hits young workers; Youth Week; Campaign launched to protect shopworkers from abuse; Dragons' Den for young entrepreneurs; Healthy Workplaces Quiz
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RoSPA appoints youth liasion worker; Drive to raise awareness of young worker safety; Young workers warned of asbestos risk; Government encourages increase in apprenticeships; Hand-arm vibration guidance available
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Youth Parliament elections; Safety podcasts; Farming campaign asks workers to come home safe; National apprenticeship week; Rise in young people drink-driving
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Shattered Lives; Young workers guide; Driving dangers; Don't sleep on the job; Life at sea |
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Protect yourself this summer; Minimum wage will rise; European exchange; Advice for aspiring engineers; Promoting healthier lifestyles; Young worker dies at Disney World |
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Young worker resource updated; Higher injury risk for young dyslexic workers?; Ladder Exchange '09; Facebook safety network; Zombie workplace game |
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Hidden Killer campaign returns; Child employment guidance released; 1 in 3 young women bullied at work; European advice
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Championing asbestos awareness; Advice for young farmers; Website seeks young worker advice; Waking up to the dangers of carbon monoxide; Lifejacket warning
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Loading up; Shattered lives; Young people warned of signs of abuse; Remember the dead, fight for the living
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In working order; Survey suggests 25% work without a break; Touch wood; TUC calls for end to exploitation of interns
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Sounding off; Ditch the dodgy ladder!; Young workers distrust bosses; Raise your hand; Will you wake up?
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Learning the lessons of asbestos risks; Moving on up; Ladder challenge; Workplace rights DVD
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