Young Workers

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Young Worker Health and Safety Checklist

Here is a twelve point checklist for employers with responsibilities for young workers.

  1. Has someone been appointed to be in overall charge of young workers, including those on work experience placements?
  2. Where students are on a work experience placement, has effective liaison been established with the placement organisers, including arrangements for regular monitoring and reporting of accidents/ incidents/ill health?
  3. Have 'suitable and sufficient' risk assessments been carried out
    (see 'Risk Assessment')?
  4. Have any additional control measures required for young people been clearly identified?
  5. Have risk assessments taken account of any special health and safety needs which young workers may have as a result, for example, of any physical and learning disabilities, or health issues such as allergies, asthma and respiratory problems, heart disease, diabetes, colour blindness or use of prescription medicines?
  6. Have work activities which young people should be prohibited from undertaking been clearly identified?
  7. Have necessary steps been taken to isolate or make safe dangerous tools, plant, equipment or substances?
  8. Have any necessary arrangements for personal safety and freedom from sexual harassment and bullying been considered?
  9. Have parents or guardians been informed of risks and control measures?
  10. Have arrangements been made for appropriate supervision and induction training?
  11. Have work tasks for young people been properly defined and explained? Do young people understand what is required of them in order to protect their own safety and health and that of others?
  12. Have young workers been provided with appropriate information about hazards, risks and precautions?

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